только правильно если будут люди которые будут спамить то отправлю жалобу и вас заблокируют 6 a)Some of the sentences below have mistakes. Correct them. I think that he's the best father in the world. Correct. b) He's always thinking on problems. c)Ainura decided that she wants to live in France. e)I think the class must decide the problem together. e) I recognised him the moment I saw him. f)I recognised to do shopping by myself. g) Mansur reminded to phone his mum. h) This music reminded me of my friend. ​

VladislavaForster VladislavaForster    1   11.12.2020 17:34    0

Lizunochek2329 Lizunochek2329  10.01.2021 17:46


He always thinks about his problems.

Ainura decided that she would live in France. I think the class should decide a problem together. I recognised him when i saw him. I decide to do shopping alone. This music reminded me about my friend.

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