Tick (✔) A, B, or C to complete the sentences. Example:    You can buy food at a .

A  bank      B  market  ✔    C  post office  

1    I need some for this letter.

    A  keys      B  stamps      C  coins  

2    He works with sick animals. He’s a .

    A  vet      B  politician      C  lawyer  

3    We eat in the .

    A  bathroom      B  bedroom      C  dining room  

4    My sister works in an office. She’s a .

    A  builder      B  musician      C  receptionist  

5    I don’t see Nick very much but we often at weekends.

    A  skype      B  download      C  search  

6    My mother’s brother is my .

    A  uncle      B  nephew      C  grandfather  

7    Can I pay by credit , please?

    A  ticket      B  card      C  money  

8    I got your email but I couldn’t open the .

    A  wifi      B  attachment      C  Internet  

9    My father’s a . He flies all over the world.

    A  builder      B  pilot      C  nurse  

10    My brother’s daughter is my .

    A  niece      B  sister      C  granddaughter  

steel09090 steel09090    1   17.06.2020 10:20    4

mika181minecrafMilka mika181minecrafMilka  19.08.2020 01:53

1 B  stamps

2 A  vet  

3 C  dining room  

4 C  receptionist

5 A  skype

6 A  uncle

7 B  card

8 B  attachment

9 B  pilot

10 A  niece

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