This record is exactly … same as … last one they made. 2. He missed ... train. That was ...reason he arrived late. 3. If you heat... water to 100 C it boils. 4. My family sometimes stays at … little fishing village located near … Lake Huron. 5. Don't smoke in ... cinema. It's forbidden. 6. It took us a lot of time to find … cheap accommodation. 7. ... people work to earn ... money.

Акжан1111111 Акжан1111111    2   18.12.2020 22:25    2

winchester24 winchester24  17.01.2021 22:26

This record is exactly the same as the last one they made. 2. He missed the train. That was the reason he arrived late. 3. If you heat water to 100 C it boils. 4. My family sometimes stays at a little fishing village located near Lake Huron. 5. Don't smoke in the cinema. It's forbidden. 6. It took us a lot of time to find a cheap accommodation. 7. people work to earn money.


iojhhjkl iojhhjkl  17.01.2021 22:26

This record is exactly the same as the last one they made.

2. He missed the train. That was a reason he arrived late.

3. If you heat the water to 100 C it boils.

4. My family sometimes stays at the little fishing village located near a Lake Huron.

5. Don't smoke in the cinema. It's forbidden. 6. It took us a lot of time to find the cheap accommodation.

7. People work to earn the money.

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