This is interesting book. a. the b. a c. an d. - 11. show the pictures. a. their b. they c. them d. theirs 12. has jack got a girlfriend? a. no. he hasn't b. no. he hasn't got c. no. he haven't d. no. he not 26. rainy in summer. a. don't b. doesn't c. isn't d. didn't . everybody in our family (help) mummy about the house. dad (walk) the dog. i (water) the flowers, and my brothers (clean) the rooms. a. help, walks, water, clean b. helps, walks, water, clean c. help, walks, water, cleans 33. - what she (do)? - she is a secretary at our college. a. is doing b. she does c. does she do d. does she 42. - tim has broken his leg and stays at home. - sony to hear that. i (visit) him tomorrow. a. will visit b. am going to visit 43. the match (finish) at half past nine, so i will be at home by ten o'clock. a. will finish b. finishes c. is finishing 44. my uncle has bought bricks. he (build) a house in the country. a. will build b. is going to build 48.1 i can give bob the message if i (see) him. a. will see b. see c. seeing 49. we (not / have) a holiday last year. a. didn't have b. haven't had c. hadn't have 50. my parents (be) to the usa many times. a. have been b. were c. have being 56.1 (buy) a new dress last week, but i (not / wear) it yet. a. have bought, haven't worn b. bought, haven't worn c. had bought, didn't wear 57. it (stop) raining yet? a. did it stop b. is it stopped c. has it stopped 59.1 i (lose) my glasses. i (have) them when i came to the college. a. losed, have had b. have lost, had c. lost, have 60.1 i saw a light in your window as i (pass) by. a. passed b. was passing c. passing 61. liz's elder brother said that he (go) to enter leeds university. a. went b. was going c. going 62. we (just / talk) about him when he suddenly (come) in. a. just talked, came in b. were just talking, was coming in c. were just talking, came in 63. we (just / talk) about him when he suddenly (come) in. d. just talked, came in e. were just talking, was coming in f. were just talking, came in 64. you (write) this composition for two hours and can't complete. a. has been writing b. has written c. wrote 75. we were late. the meeting (start) an hour ago. a. started b. had started c. has started 79. why are you so unhappy? -1 my purse. a. have lost b. had lost 80. sam was upset because judy . a. hasn't come b. hadn't come 81. this time tomorrow they in the train on their way to chicago. a. will sit b. will be sitting c. will being sit 85.1 at home if you need anything. a. will be b. will being c. be 86. don't phone jim from 5 to 6 - he english. a. will have b. will be having c. is having 87. why are you in a hurry? if you arrive at 8 o'clock, they the meal. a. will still cook b. will still be cooking c. will be cooked 88. he at eight in the evening. a. will come b. will be coming c. come 89. you with me on friday? a. will you have lunch b. will you be having lunch 90. julia all the housework by three o'clock and we'll go for a walk. a. will finish b. will have finished c. finish 91.1 promise i in touch with you if i need your help. a. will get b. will have got c. get 92. we are going to buy a car. by the end of the next month our family _ for it. a. will save b. save c. will have saved 93. the workers say that they a district by the beginning of 2017. a. will build up b. built c. will have built up 94. he probably never patient. a. will probably never be b. will probably never have been 95. - how did it happen that you missed your stop? -1 it if the conductor the stops. a. wouldn't miss b. hadn't missed c. wouldn't have missed d. had announced e. would have announced f. announced 96. what a pity my husband is away! if he here, he us. a. were b. would be here c. is d. will help e. would help f. helps 97. you look tired. if i you. i a holiday. a. be b. were c. have been d. will take e. would take f. take 98. if benjamin franklin so hard, he the symbol of america. a. didn't work b. wouldn't have worked c. hadn't worked d. wouldn't have become e. hadn't become f. wouldn't become 99. is there anything in that new magazine worth ? b. reading 100. although i was in s hurry. i stopped to him. a. to talk b. talking 101.1 i really must stop . a. to smoke b. smoking 102. would you mind the front door? a. to close b. closing 103. you should remember him. he'll be at home. a. to phone b. phoning 104. all parts of london seem to different towns and epochs. a. to belong b. belonging 105. do you enjoy ? a. to teach b. teaching 106. why have you stopped? go on . a. to read b. reading 107.1 i can't help about that awful accident. a. to think b. thinking

neliaefimova37p00o09 neliaefimova37p00o09    1   26.09.2019 22:30    2

Bazzaevat Bazzaevat  08.10.2020 21:26
дальше я не поняла, что вы написали, хотя бы прочерк сделали, куда слова вставлять.
102 и дальше уже более менее понятны
102 - а
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