This is __ case in the shop. (strong) 3. This TV show is much ___ the one we saw yesterday. (funny) 4. You're __ persone in the classroom (friendly) 5. The traffic is ___ it was last year (noisy) 6. It doesn't matter which show we watch. The Price is Right is ___ person as Master Chef for me. (boring) 7. My house is ___ Helen's. (near) 8. She's ___ student in the group. (intelligent) 9. Ms. Anderson is ___ a teacher than Mr. Robert. (good) 10. These people are ___ in the country. (poor)

Морго11 Морго11    1   04.03.2021 22:11    4

mutagan25Mark mutagan25Mark  03.04.2021 22:17

the strongest; funnier; the friendliest; more noisy; as boring; nearer; the most intelligent; a better; the poorest

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