They went to school yesterday. 1 "-" 2. yes/no ? 3. who? 4. when? 5. where? 6. why? / how? ,

Lizka22855 Lizka22855    2   19.05.2019 02:50    1

Кет1235 Кет1235  30.09.2020 21:50

1) Did they go to school yesterday? -- Yes, they did. No, they didn't.

2) They went to school yesterday, didn't they?

    They didn't go to school yesterday, did they?

3) Who went to school yesterday?

4) When did they go to school?

5) Where did they go yesterday?

6) Why did they go to school yesterday?

    How did they get to school yesterday?

Renton8546 Renton8546  30.09.2020 21:50

Did they go to school yesterday? - Yes, they did. / No, they didn't.

They went to school yesterday, didn't they?

They didn't go to school yesterday, did they?

Who went to school yesterday?

When did they go to school?

Where did they go yesterday?

Why did they go to school yesterday?

How did they get to school yesterday?

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