Theull! 3. Complete the sentences with phrasal verbs (Ex. 8, p. 97).
1. Our boss ... the meeting ... till next week. (postpone)
2. Her friends want to arrive in St Petersburg on Sunday. Can she
them ... for the night? (give a bed)
3. Who has ... my books ... on their places? (return to the proper place)
4. Could you ... me ... to Mr Smith? (connect)
5. My teacher can't ... ... ... our behavior. (stand)
6. Our government has ... the prices ... this month. (increase)
7. The builders will ... a new school ... next year. (build)

Глаголы: to put away, to put off, to put through, to put up, to put up with

slepovairina9 slepovairina9    2   20.01.2021 10:15    84

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