These books are not different. They are … same. 2. I never listen to … radio. 3. We don’t go to … theatre very much these days. In fact, in … town where we live there isn’t … theatre. 4. Would you rather live in … town or in … country. 5. Don’t sit on … ground! 6…. man over there is collecting money for … blind. 7. Why doesn’t … government do more to help … unemployed? 8. Robin Hood robbed … rich and gave the money to … poor. 9. … next day, when they were in … field, he shouted at … top of his voice. 10. … French are famous for their food. 11. France is to … north of Italy. 22. I am … oldest and my sister is … youngest; she plays … violin really well and wants to be … professional musician.

Палина200413 Палина200413    3   14.04.2021 22:42    1

Irakli2007 Irakli2007  14.05.2021 23:45

These books are not different. They are the same. 2. I never listen to the radio. 3. We don’t go to the theatre very much these days. In fact, in the town where we live there isn’t a theatre. 4. Would you rather live in a town or in a country. 5. Don’t sit on the ground! 6. A man over there is collecting money for … blind. 7. Why doesn’t the government do more to help … unemployed? 8. Robin Hood robbed … rich and gave the money to … poor. 9. The next day, when they were in a field, he shouted at the top of his voice. 10. … French are famous for their food. 11. France is to … north of Italy. 22. I am the oldest and my sister is the youngest; she plays the violin really well and wants to be a professional musician.

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