These are answers to the questions. what are the questions? a. 1) ,i often go abroad 2) ,we don't travel in winter 3) ,alice likes to visit her grandparents. 4) ,bob doesn't often go to museums. b. 1) ,tom wrote a letter yesterday. 2) ,bob didn't eat his lunch. 3) , i did my room in the morning. 4) ,betty didn't wash up after breakfast

kiorav kiorav    3   07.08.2019 22:50    2

нурик200120 нурик200120  04.10.2020 03:56
A. 1) Do you often go to broad??-Yes,I often go abroad 
2) Do you travel in winter?-No,we don't travel in winter 
3) Does Alice like to visit her grandparents?-Yes,Alice likes to visit her grandparents.
4) Does Bob often go to museums?-No,Bob doesn't often go to museums.
B. 1) Did Tom write a letter yesterday?-Yes,Tom wrote a letter yesterday.
2) Did Bob eat his lunch?-No,Bob didn't eat his lunch.
3) Did you do your room in the morning?-Yes, I did my room in the morning.
4) Did Betty wash up  after breakfast?-No,Betty didn't wash up after breakfast
Xud20011 Xud20011  04.10.2020 03:56
1. do you often go abroad?
2.Do you travel in winter?
3/ Does Alisa like to visit her grandparents?
4. Does Bob go to museums?
1. did tonm write a letter yesterday
2. Did Bob eat his lunch
3. нет глагола
4. Did Betty wash up after breakfast
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