There is a saying " never judge a book by its cover." ("не суди о книге по обложке".) write as many reasons as you can against this saying. (tip: what information about a book can you find on the book cover nowadays ? ) перевод: написать как много причин, как вы можете против этого высказывания. (совет: какая информация о книге можно найти на обложке книги в настоящее время? ) извините перевод наверное не !

УмникРазумник228 УмникРазумник228    1   05.06.2019 16:40    2

ekaterinahbjdnxКатя ekaterinahbjdnxКатя  01.10.2020 19:51
1. As a rule, on the cover write the name of the author and if he's your favourite author you'll interested in this book. 2. On the book cover you can find the title. A good title makes you want to read the book. 3. There are some pictures on the cover. If they are exciting, you'll interested in this book. 4. You can read the blurb and understand what is the book about.
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