There are different animals in my section from a zebra of around I 250 kilograms to a prairie dog of about two kilos. Six keepers work in this section, they take care of the animals. A typical day starts at eight o'elock. I walk around the section and check everything. After this I complete a Report Sheet (xuCT). Iwrite what is hap pening in my section. Next we clean the animal enclosures (KaerKR) and water the plants. On Monday, Wednesday, and Saturday we collect fresh food for the animals. There is fish for the seals, maize, oats and nuta for the zebras and tapira, and various types of fruits and vegetables for There is a tea break at ten thirty, and then we prepare the food for all the animals. The food must be ready for the seals by (Kİ eleven thirty, because many people come to watch Lhe feed. After this the keepers have their lunch. In the afternoon we usually feed the animals and clean. We rake (erpe6aem) leaves in the autumn, for example, which ls a boring job. At three thirty there is another feed for the seals. We walk around the section before going home at five o'elock.

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