The War of the Roses were a series of bloody civil war, 1 in the 15 th century. The House of York and the House
of Lancaster were 2 --- . such a flowery name was given to such a cruel event due to the red rose and white rose
3 --. The wars went back and forth until 1485, 4 --- . Immediately after Richard III had been killed Henry was
declared King Henry VII. But the final chord in the Wars of Roses was played by Henry’s marriage with Elizabeth of
York. That was done to reconcile the two families forever. The union started the new dynasty - the Tudor 5 --- with
five monarch in that period. Among them were such outstanding monarch as Henry VIII and his daughter Elizabeth I.
as for the roses, they were combined together 6 ---.
A which were badges of the rival families
B which two families fought for the English throne
C when the Lancastrian king Henry Tudor defeated Richard III in the battlefield at Bosworth.
D to create a new badge – the Tudor rose
E both descendants of the royal Platagenet family
F involved into the war by their enemies
G which ruled England for just over a century
H who became the most powerful monarch of all times

liquidchannel liquidchannel    1   16.04.2021 10:21    1

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