The Trans-Siberian Railway
Last year,Anna jones had the travel experience of a lifetime.She took the world's greatest railway journey-the Trans-Siberian Railway-from Moscow to Vladivostok.Here are her tips for taking this amazing journey.
1)First,consider where you want to end up.There are three different routes.Two end in Beijing and one ends in Vladivostok.Beijing is a wonderful city to visit, but there isn't a lot to see in Vladivostok.
2)Ticket prices for the Trans-Siberian Railway are the same all year.Plane tickets,however,vary greatly in price during winter and summer.Taking the Trans-Siberian Railway in the winter is a good idea because fights to Moscow are cheaper then.
3)The journey from Moscow to Vladivostok takes seven days and can be very tiring.There are lots of interesting places to see in Siberia ,so break up the journey by saying a night or two somewhere along the way.
4)The Trans-Siberian Railway is incredibly popular,so tickets sell out very quickly.My advice is to purchase your tickets as soon as you've decided to do the trip.I tried to get tickets in November for December, but none were available until February.
5)I decided to learn some useful Russian phrases before my trip and I'm glad I did.Knowing some Russian-or at least having a phrasebook -is essential because it's rare to meet anyone on the trains who speaks English.
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Никалкова Никалкова    1   12.05.2020 12:34    6

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