The text with the present perfect
5 Complete the text with the pre
form of the verbs in brackets.
Arsenal supports ChildLine
ChildLine is a free, 24-hour telephone helpline
In total, it (1) ... (help) more than two million
children. Lots of young people (2) ... (talk) to
ChildLine's volunteers about bullying, peer
pressure and family problems. Now, Childline
(3) ... (start) a text message helpline too.
A lot of celebrities (4) ... (help) ChildLine. For
example, the footballer Ashley Cole (5)...
(visit) the charity's London offices, and Arsenal
F.C. (6) ... (give) ChildLine £50 000.​

Fgbjhjghhy1234567890 Fgbjhjghhy1234567890    1   28.04.2020 10:05    3

LidaTetyorkina LidaTetyorkina  14.10.2020 00:10
1) it has helped
2) have talked
3)has started
4)have helped
5) has visited
6)have given
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