The Practical Joke It was April Ist, so I decided to play a practical joke on my brother Dan. He is always playing jokes on me, sol thonght it was a great opportunity to get my own back Early in the moming, while Dan was asteep. Ierept into his room and put his watch and clock forward two hours. Then I changed the clocks in the living room and kitchen. Ichanged my own watch too. When Dan woke up, he can downstairs. What tione is it? he asked in a panie. Its quarter past 101 sid. 'Why I foundit difficult not to langh, becatseI knew he had arranged to meet his girlfriend at 106clock. Tean't believe it. I've.overslept! Debbie will kill mef He immediately ealled Debbic on ber mobile phone, Debbie, I'm really sorry he said. "You've just woken me up said Debbie. ts quarter past eight I started laughing, and Dan realised what I had done. He seemed rather annoyed. but I thought it wasa great joke. (нужно ответить на вопросы.)

The Practical Joke It was April Ist, so I decided to play a practical joke on my brother Dan. He is

korolevalena20 korolevalena20    1   01.12.2021 16:31    14

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