The Past Simple Or The Present Perfect Simple. Use your lovely little notebooks.
1. it / not / rain / this week
2. the weather / be / cold / recently
3. it / cold / last week
4. i / not / read / the newspaper / yesterday
5. i / not / read / the newspaper / today
6. Emily / earn / a lot of money / this year
7. she / not / earn / so much / last year
8. you / have / a holiday / recently
9. I / forget / most of my German / so far
10. the police / arrest / three criminals / yesterday
11. They / not / find / the fourth one / yet
12. Einstein / develop / the theory of relativity
13. I / lose / my key
14. our car / just / break down
15. it / break down / last week too
16. Peter / not see / Bob / yet, / but he / see / his wife / yesterday

fewralskajaribozers3 fewralskajaribozers3    1   02.05.2020 19:57    8

velvis2050 velvis2050  14.10.2020 06:16

1. It didn't rain this week.

2. The weather has been cold recently.

3. It was cold last week.

4. I didn't read the newspaper yesterday.

5. I haven't read the newspaper today.

6. Emily has earned a lot of money this year.

7. She didn't earn so much money last year.

8.Have you had a holiday recently?

9. I forgot most of my German so far.

10. The police arrested three criminals yesterday.

11. They haven't found the fourth one yet.

12. Einstein developed the theory of relativity.

13. I lost my key.

14. Our car has just broken down.

15. It broke down last week too.

16. Peter hasn't seen Bob yet, but he saw his wife yesterday.

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