The past perfect continuous tense exercise 4. make up sentences using the verbs in brackets: 1) when i came to see ann she (to learn the new words) for two hours. 2) when i went out it (to rain) for several hours. 3) when he entered the hall his boss (lo make a report) for hair an hour already. 4) she (to study english) for three months when we met at the foreign language centre). the future perfect continuous tense exercise 5. supply the future perfect continuous tense. 1) by the end of this week i (wait) seventeen weeks for my phone to be repaired. 2) do you realize that on august 15, we … (live) in this house for fifty years? 3) we (fly) non-stop for fourteen hours before we get to calcutta. 4) by this lime next week i (work) on this book for a year. 5) by monday i (stay) here for two weeks. 6) by breakfast time he (sleep) for ten hours.

applevip applevip    1   09.08.2019 02:10    1

stoyanovadsДарья stoyanovadsДарья  04.10.2020 06:21
1. had been learning the new words
2. had been raining
3. had been making a report
4. had been studying

1. will have been waiting
2. will have been living
3. will have been flying
4. will have been working
5. will have been staying
6. will have been sleeping
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