THE PASSIVE VOICE ed? 1.CHANGE THE ACTIVE VOICE INTO THE PASSIVE a.My sister is cleaning the room. b.Shakespeare wrote this play. c. The company producers cars & vans. d. I have just translated the English text. e. You must decorate the house by the end of the month. f. The builders repaired the ring-road a week ago. g. We don't sell books in the supermarket. h.The burgler hasn't robbed the mansion. i.He will take his exam in driving next Monday. 2.CHANGE THE PASSIVE VOICE INTO THE ACTIVE cont by the manager vet

dzubaliz dzubaliz    2   14.12.2021 10:26    1

марина1930 марина1930  03.02.2022 19:01

a. The room is being cleaned by my sister.

b. This play was written by Shakespeare.

c. Cars and vans are produced by the company.

d. The English text has just been translated by me.

e. The house must be decorated by the end of the month by you.

f. The ring road was repaired a week ago by the builders.

g. Books aren't sold in the supermarket.

h. The mansion hasn't been robbed by the burglar.

i. His exam in driving will be taken next Monday.

krokodilol krokodilol  03.02.2022 19:01

Пассивная VOICE CHANGE АКТИВНЫЙ VOICE в пассивную 1 Моя сестра моет комнату. б Шекспир написал эту пьесу. е. Продюсеры компании автомобили и фургоны D Я только что перевели текст на английском языке. е. Вы должны украсить дом к концу месяца. е. Строители починили кольцевой дороги неделю назад. г. Мы не продаем книги в супермаркете. час Burgler не ограбили особняк. я. Он возьмет свой экзамен вождения в следующий понедельник.


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