The kide are amiling, laughina, ahoutiaz jumping and aplorins. Thayre kappy as thay. have their eun Funning track a3 part of e soslal caheel projsct. It coutinued to he miny and gray ali week. The sm came out for the balf dny on Friday, but the studento ol couldn't enjay t as the school track was teo muddy. "How Gan we make it passibia to ua the trmek in any wather" one bay aid. That wam how the atudonts started to plam their prajeat enlled "The Running Track". Togethor with thair PBand Bnglish tenchers thay outlined the steps of the project. Firatly, they idantified the probiem and gathared the necessanyinformation an it. Then, they made a list of the things needed to calve and discussed who they could addreas for help. After that they developed a cnss portfollo and presentad t to the andience. Granting that running track from eamtoh cas not on enmy inek. Oar role was quite almple. Provide a epace and ingredients - the kids did the rest. Many mnds mnke grent play." the projecet soordinntor, said. "Now we're proud of whnt we've dono. "When we think of all the axparionco- wo know thnt it wil hava a pagie tive lasting impaet on our future gyannastun Me. We love sport and now we bave botter aporte facilitics, the studente eaid. "Ke good to be ccially and physienlly actve."
1. Тест
1. Why did thе students decide to start a social project? A. They wanted to have fun. B. They wanted to use the trаck in any wеаther. C. They spend more time outdoors. 2. What was the name of the project? A. Saving the River B. The Running Track C. Keep the Town Clean. 3. What did the students do after they had idetified the problem? A. They developed a clnss porolio. B. They had to gather information on the problem. С. They presented their project bafore an nudience. 4. What did the teachers do? A. They helped the students with the resources. B. The gilded the project. С. They judged the project. 5. What do the students think of the result of their work? A. They wanted to be socially active. B. They want to write an article about it. C. They feel honoured to have this opportunity. 6. Which step of the project is depicted in the picture. A. Identification of the problem. B. Reflecting on students learning experience. C. Presentation of the project before an audience.
2. Соотнашение
1. To analyze 2. To complete 3. To outline 4. To identify 5. To develop 6. To present 7. To discuss 8. To reflect 9. To avoid. A. the steps B. the problem C. a project before an audience D. how everything has been done E. on students' learning experience F. a week day G. mistakes H. class portfolio. I. a project