Great Britain has a long and interesting history. By 450 BC its population was
Celtic In AD 43 the Roman occupation of the country began. It lasted for nearly
400 years. Then the attacks from pirates from Germany
-- Angles, Saxons and Jutes
took place. Gradually, the Anglo-Saxons united into kingdoms. At the beginning of
the 9th century the Danes and Norsemen began to occupy the country. They ruled)
the country for several decades till 1042. 24 years later the invasion by the Normans 1066
Battle of under William the Conqueror began. It brought feudalism to the country. The
sthes 1065 structure of the country was very similar to the rest of Europe,
By the 14th century most English towns became free from feudal restrictions.
Besides, the country had a strong Monarchy and a Parliament. The 15th century was
a period of civil wars, the Wars of the Roses. But the next period, the reign of Eliza-
beth I stimulated the development of English commerce (cloth trade). In the 17th
century the Parliament became the Parliament of Great Britain after the union of 770
1605 England and Scotland. After the union with Ireland in 1801 it became the Parliament
of the United Kingdom. This period saw the development of science. Isaac Newton,
Robert Boyle, William Harvey were the most famous scientists of that time.
The 18th century brought the Industrial Revolution. It gave development to
the cotton industry and agriculture. In the 19th century Great Britain became the
leading capitalist state. Britain's relatively peaceful development ended in the year
1914. Britain entered World War I. Strikes and unemployment were the result of
1939- it
. World War II was another difficult period in the history of Britain. The British
1945 people withstood heavy bombing with great courage. London itself was Bombed
for 76 nights continuously. When the USSR entered the war, the Britain's situation
became better. After the war many social reforms and economic development took
place. Now Britain is one of the leading countries in the world and the history of
the country continues.
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