The Catcher in the Rye.
Task 1. Read the text and say which is right.
1. What is the full name of the author?
a) Jerome David Salinger b) Jack David Salinger c) Jerome Douglas Salinger
2. What is the name of the main character?
a) Mr. Spencer b) Holden Caulfield c) Sally Smith
3. What subject did Mr. Spencer teach?
a) English b) Science c) History
4. Holden was expelled from school for ….
a) discipline problems b) poor academic performance c) rudeness
5. Why did Holden come to Mr. Spencer?
a) To thank b) To say goodbye c) To apologize
Task 2. Find and write out the equivalents to the Russian word combinations.
1. отвратительный словарный запас
2. покачать головой
3. заглянуть и попрощаться
4. раздражать
5. задеть его чувства, обидеть
6. так или иначе
Task 3. Answer the questions.
1. Holden wasn’t a good pupil, was he?

2. Why did he come to Mr. Spencer’s home?

3. Did Mr. Spencer give Holden a warm welcome?

4. Mr. Spencer spoke frankly with Holden about his poor academic performance, didn’t he?

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