Тесты по базовому курсу английской грамматики (see) you? 10. I (not play) much football since I (leave) school. 11. - You (hear) from Jane lately? - Yes, I (get) a message from her last night. 12. I (get) a fax from Boston an hour ago, but I (not answer) it yet. 13. It's the most delicious cake I ever (taste). When and where you (buy) it? 14. When you (get) this wonderful ring? - I don't remember. - I (have) it for years. 15. - How's Jack? When you (see) him? - Oh, I (not meet) him for ages! 16. - You (do) the shopping? - No, I (forget) to take the list. 17. She (learn) to play chess when she (be) 16, but she (not play) much since then. 18. I (have) my teddy bear since my parents (give) it to me. 19. Yesterday I (work) on my computer for four hours, but I (not print) the material yet. 20. I (live) in London for seven years and now I miss it a lot.

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