Test. the english year. i. put in the missing words. make the sentences complete. 1) in great britain …, …, … and … are winter months. 2) i like winter … in winter i can ski and skate. 3) in great britain there are two spring months: they are … and … . 4) horses, sheep, cows like to eat … . 5) in spring the … on the trees are green and small. 6) … is the third summer month in great britain. 7) we celebrate victory day on the ninth of … . 8) … comes before july. 9) do you like to ski in the … in winter? 10) grasshoppers live in the … . 11) in … children begin to prepare for school. 12) does school start on the first of …? 13) on the 31st of … in great britain there is a nice holiday for children – halloween.

шота1 шота1    1   25.09.2019 03:30    3

Mrkronomax Mrkronomax  08.10.2020 17:28
1) November, December, January and February
2) because
3) March and April
4) grass
5) leaves
6) August
7) May
8) June
9) mountains
10) grass
11) August
12) September
13) October
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