Тест с причастиями. 1.she enters a)accompanying\b)being accompanying\c)accompanied by her mother. 2. a)arousing\b)have been aroused\c)aroused by the crash, he leapt to his feet. 3.a)to arrive\b)arriving\c)having arrived two days before the conference he had a lot of time to see edinburgh. 4.she smiled a)remembered\b)to remember\c)remembering the joke. 5. a)warned\b)having been warned\c)warning about the bandits,he left his valuables at home. 6.a)convincing\b)convinced\c)convince that they were trying to poison him,he refused to eat anything. 7. tom a)horrified\b)having horrified\c)horrifying at what he had done,could at first say nothing. 8. a new road a)connecting\b)having connected\c)connected. 9. that night, a)went\b)going\c)havin go up to his room he thought of his unpleasant duty. 10. a)seeing\b)having seen\c)to see so little in the country,i am afraid i cannot answer all your questions.

SherlockAlya SherlockAlya    1   25.08.2019 23:00    1

filip198585 filip198585  05.10.2020 19:46

1. She enters b)being accompanying c)accompanied by her mother.

2. b)Have been aroused\c)Aroused by the crash, he leapt to his feet.

3. b)Arriving c)Having arrived two days before the conference he had a lot of time to see Edinburgh.

4. She smiled c)remembering the joke.

5. a)Warned b)Having been warned  about the bandits, he left his valuables at home.

6. b) convinced  that they were trying to poison him, he refused to eat anything.

7. Tom a) horrified at what he had done, could at first say nothing.

8. A new road a)connecting the plant with the railway station will soon be built.

9. That night b)going to his room he thought of his unpleasant duty.

10. b)Having seen so little in the country, I am afraid i cannot answer all your questions.

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