Тест. Решите правильно, а не наугад. Choose First Conditionals/Выбери условные предложения первого типа:

If she cleans in a flat, she will listen to the radio.
If you heat metal, it melts.
If we throw a ball up into the air, it falls on the ground.
He will be on time for the meeting if he leaves early.
If you read a lot of books, your teacher will give you 5.

Choose Zero Conditionals/Выбери условные предложения нулевого типа:

If you put wood in water, it floats.
If you add ten and eleven, you get twenty-one
You can go to bed if you are tired.
Water boils if you heat it.
If you do this task well, your English teacher will be so happy.

Choose the possible answers/Выбери подходящие ответы: He is a very clever student because he reads

too many

The strange creatures like apes with unusual red eyes we can meet in...

"The Snow White"
"The Hound of the Baskervilles"
"The Magic Garden of the Poor"
"The Time Machine"

Choose the sentences with TOO MUCH/ Выбери предложения с TOO MUCH:

Do you have enough time? There are books to read.
Wow! I’m sorry but it costs
Try not to make noise, I'm reading.
If you don't read enough, you can have problems.
Don't be sorry, I have money to buy this text-book.

Complete the sentence/Дополни предложение: You are interested in literature

if you not reads a lot.
if you will read a lot.
if you read a lot.
if you reads a lot.
if you will not read a lot.

Choose the compound adjective/Выбери сложное прилагательное

black coal
well educated
25 years

Choose the sentences with UNLESS/ Выбери предложения с UNLESS:

You feel cold ….you wear a warm jacket.
... you stop smoking, you won't fall seriously ill.
The teacher will be furious … I have my HW.
We won't arrive on time…we hurry.
… I am rich, I’ll spend all my time traveling.

Replace the word with its antonym/Замени слово антонимом: brand-new

old fashioned

Choose the characters of "The Hound of the Baskervilles":

Dr Watson
an unusual animal

Также весь тест есть в фото.

Тест. Решите правильно, а не наугад. Choose First Conditionals/Выбери условные предложения первого т
Тест. Решите правильно, а не наугад. Choose First Conditionals/Выбери условные предложения первого т
Тест. Решите правильно, а не наугад. Choose First Conditionals/Выбери условные предложения первого т

ALINAscool9898 ALINAscool9898    2   01.02.2021 08:28    2

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