Тест по теме present simple past simple future simple 5 класс     1.выберите и вставьте в предложение правильную форму глагола.1.i usually… my granny on saturday.a) visits b) visited c) visit d) will visit2.there … 30 pupils in our class last year.a) were b) was c) are d) is3. i can…
english very well.a) spoke b) speaks c) speak d) will speak4. …they go to the zoo with us next week? a) shall b) will c) do d) did5. i… to my friend’s place yesterday.a) goed b) went c) goes d) will go6. he will not… his holidays in america.a) spent b) spended c) spends d) spend7. my pencil…on the
table yesterday. my mother… it in the box.a) was not, put b) are not, put c) were not, put d) was not, puts8. do you like… to school? yes, i…a) to go, did b) go, do c) to go, do d) to go, don’t9. we learn how to use computers at …lessons.a) i. t b) literature c) drama d) maths10. she wanted to… us
about her brother.a) say b) tell c) speak d) show2. выбери вариант, соответствующий переводу.1.мамин  зонтик: a) mothers umbrella b) mother’s umbrella c) mothers’ umbrella2.книги  родителей: a) parent’s books b) parents books c) parents’ books3.  яблоко  сестры: a) sister’s
apple b) sisters’ apple c) sisters apple4.  конура  собак: a) dogs house b) dogs’ house c) dog’s house5.  фотоаппарат  сына: a) sons’ camera b) sons camera c) son’s camera6.  кассеты  братьев: a) brothers’ cassettes b) brother’s cassettes c) brothers cassettes3. найди и
исправь ошибки в рассказе.i am ann. i am from britain. i study in the fifth form and lern histori, rusian, mafs, drama and some other subjects. i like to study langviges and sience.4. переведи предложения на язык.i went abroad in june.i visited berlin last summer.i spent a lot of time outdoor
swimming, playing and diving.we took a lot of pictures of our friends.did you spend much money? he missed a football match.i won’t go to the party.what is your the most interesting subject? any good news? - yes, i’ll spend a week in scotland during summer holidays.5. поставь глагол в нужную форму.
раскрой скобки.last week i (visit) my grandparentswe (not to be) at school yesterday.my sister often (read) books in the evening.they (not to do) exercises every morning.i (spend) my summer holidays in the country.задай вопросы, используя вопросы в скобках.my friends are from great britain. (where?
)they opened the window two hours ago. (what? )she will start her work tomorrow. (when? )sam is in the 5th  form. (who? )there are 28 children in our class. (how many children? )

спаситепомогите111 спаситепомогите111    3   07.10.2019 18:10    32

Dariailko Dariailko  10.10.2020 02:06

Where are my friends from?

What did they open two hours ago?

When will she start her work?

Who is in the 5th form?

How many children in our class?

Другие вопросы по теме Английский язык