Тест по , степени сравнения прилагательных 99 вопрос № 1 the hat is have in the shop the best good better вопрос № 2 my cuisin me young younger the youngest вопрос № 3 the day usual. hotter more hot hoter вопрос № 4 the for me is a book. good best better вопрос № 5 have you this dress. more short the shortest shorter вопрос № 6 nick rick stronger the strongest more stronger вопрос № 7 the elephant on the land. the biggest bigger more bigger вопрос № 8 i am not going to swim today: the water is yesterday. cold the coldest colder вопрос № 9 my father is . handsome more handsome the most handsome вопрос № 10 this book that one. interesting the most interesting more interesting вопрос № 11 is good at singing and dancing. the eldest elder older вопрос № 12 cats dogs. small smaller the smallest

rsharapov rsharapov    3   20.09.2019 15:10    6

123Настенька 123Настенька  08.10.2020 04:54
The hat is the best we have in the shop.
My cuisin is younger than me.
The day is hotter than usual.
The best present for me is a book.
Have you anything shorter than this dress?
Nick is stronger than Rick.
The elephant is the biggest animal on the land.
I am not going to swim today: the water is colder than yesterday.
My father is the most handsome man.
This book is more interesting than that one.
My elder sister is good at singing and dancing.
Cats are smaller than dogs.
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