Test of grammar and vocabulary and reading Insert the missing parts of the sentences. In the list a-h there are two extra parts of the sentences you don’t need.

Harry Potter Movie Review

Spells are being cast, wizards and witches live all around us, schools are infested with ghosts, trolls, and three-headed dogs, and owls are behaving very strangely. That is only a sample of the world of Harry Potter. Harry Potter and the Philosopher's stone the movie (1)! The film interpreted a well joined story line relating to the world wide success novel. Magical effects enhanced the film's enjoyment, this movie will surely be number one this summer. This movie is enchanting and spectacular, (2).

The movie tells a story about an evil dark wizard - Voldermort. After murdering Harry's parents: James and Lilly Potter, he turns on Harry, still only a baby, and shoots him with a flash of green light. Although Harry mysteriously deflects it, and as a result, severely injures Voldermort. Harry was left with a distinctive lightning shaped scar on his forehead, reminding him forever, that terrible night. (3) in a number of locations, giving the film superb scenery and in-depth scenes. The plot falls on our hero Harry Potter, a famous student attending a magical school (4).

Harry Potter and his faithful friends Hermione Granger and Ron Weakly encounter many thrills and spills in the magical world, (5). One moment that really caught my eye was the Quidditch match between Slytherin and Gryffindor. The brooms really looked (6).

Another simply spectacular moment was the fearful feeling when Proffessor Quill (a teacher at Hogwarts) unravelled his turban and reviled Lord Voldermort himself! Great special effects were shown throughout the entire film, making features look as real as ever! The Ogre looked great as well as Hagrid's baby dragon. The movie is great for younger children, and some adults may enjoy it too, I personally give the move 6 out of 10, over all the sound, graphics, and actors were great and I await her next flim.
including the Wizard's game Quidditch
inventing television
one not to be missed
as if they were actually flying
founded in the UK

called Hogwarts
was a great success
The story is set

Complete the sentences . Use the Past Simple of the verbs in brackets.

Walt Disney (found) the Cartoon Studio in 1923.
Toy Story (to be) an enormous success.
The Japanese illustrators (to draw) manga characters.
The judges (to vote) for the Russian cartoon Hedgehog in the Fog.
Silent cartoons (not/to become) more poplular.
When sound cartoons (to start)?
They (to travel) by plane?
How many awards the film (to win)?
The engineer (to invent) television?
How many channels (to exist) in the past?

Translate from Russian into English

Она рассказала о своем опыте.
Я не говорили на хинди, но понимала.
Мы катались на слонах.
Что вы делали во время визита в Индию?
Почему вы решили принять участие в телеигре?
Когда вы переехали в Брайтон?
Развитие телевидения началось в 1930-х годах.
Мы не смотрели этот фильм с английскими субтитрами.
Я бы лучше посмотрел боевик, дай мне пульт.
Он много зарабатывал и всегда оплачивал счета.

alexrukek alexrukek    1   13.01.2021 16:42    3

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