Test. Modal verbs

1. I have no idea about computers, but John help you.

• could

• might be able to

• would

2. You told me it was his birthday. I would have bought him a present.

• might have

• must have

• would have

3. Don’t call him now. He have got out of bed yet.

• might not

• should not

• would not

4. I had some problems repairing the roof by myself, but in the end I do it without help.

• could

• was able to

5. Do you think we take photos in here?

• are allowed to

• may

6. The cafeteria was full. I find a seat anywhere.

• couldn’t

• wasn’t able to

7. John’s usually home by now. Where do you think he is? - He late. He has a big project to finish.

• might be working

• might work

• must work

• could work

8. She’s in hospital with a head injury. She wearing her helmet!

• can’t have been

• could be

• must have been

• would have been

9. England are going to win the World Cup. - You be joking!

• could

• must

• ought to

• would

10. It be easy for Mary. Her parents died when she was only 4 years old.

• can’t

• mustn’t

• shouldn’t

• wouldn’t

11. I buy a new computer. This one keeps breaking down.

• have to

• must

12. You tell me what she said. I’m dying to know.

• have to

• must

13. I leave now. My parents want me home by midnight. (Both answers are possible. Which answer is better to express an external compulsion rather than an internal desire?

• have to

• must

14. I going back to England next month. I’m not sure yet.

• might be

• must be

• would be

15. (Which sign are you more likely to see in a park?) All dogs kept on a lead!

• have to be

• must be


Mild06 Mild06    2   18.02.2020 19:53    75

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