I. Complete the following sentences choosing the correct answer. Only one answer is correct.

1. They don’t know w'hat the problem is. They several minutes ago.

a) arrived b) has arrived c) have arrived d)did arrive

2. Albert Einstein the theory of relativity.

a) has invented b)invent c) have invented d) invented

3.1 am very’ hungry. anything today.

a) don’t eat b) haven’t eaten c) didn't eat d) hasn’t

4. Mary lives in London. She there all her life.

a) lived b) has lived c) is living d) lives

5. I very tired, so I lay down on the bed and went to sleep.

a) have been b) was c) has been d) were

6. The police me on my way home last night.

a) has stopped b) stop c) have stopped d) stopped

7. He told me his name but 1 it

a) forgot b) have forgotten c) has forgotten d) have forgotted

8. Jim is away on holiday . He to Spaii n.

a) has gone b) goes c) went d) is going

9.1 am looking for Mike. We yesterday evening.

a) haven’t met b) didn’t meet c) haven't meet d) didn’t met

10. you ever any of Maugham's novels?

a) did read b) has read c) do read d) have read

11. They got married two years ago and since that time they happy

a) have been b) were c) are d) was

12. Oxford is famous for University.

a) him b) his c) its d) it

13. When exactly he out?

a) has gone b) have gone c) did go d) was gone

14. How many plays Shakespeare ?

a) have written b) has written c) did write d) did wrote

15. Look! There is an ambulance over there. There an accident.

a) was b) have been c) will be d) has been

16. They divorced since last year.

a) are b) were c) is d) have been

17. He golf when he was on holiday last summer.

a) hasn’t played b) didn't play c) didn't played d)haven’t played

18. I a new7 car last week.

a) have bought b) bought c) has bought d) buyed

19. We there since last autumn

a) haven’t been b) were not c) aren't d)wasn’t

20.1 can’t buy this shirt because I my money

a) have lost b)lose c) lost d) loose

leonkrotovv leonkrotovv    1   19.05.2020 00:17    2

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