тест егэ по 1. unexpected presents 2. showing gratitude 3. housewarming 4. what bag 5. an online gift 6. office rules for giving gifts 7. gifts to match interests 8. shopping for presents a. depending on the event, gift bags can be altered to suit almost any the first thing to do
when planning gifts is to think about the environment of event being held. it's great to include anything that guests may need at the if the event is held outdoors, one can choose some items that may be useful f spent in the sun. another angle to take on gift bags is to include the host favourite
things. b. in general, employees should avoid giving gifts to a boss, however, a card may b acceptable. workers can seem as though they are trying to buy job favours if they purchase anything valuable. group gifts are considered more proper than individual ones supposing the entire staff agrees. if
co-workers are not interested in contributing a present, an individual can give small gifts to all colleagues, including the boss. c. a time-honoured russian folk custom welcomes the new homeowners with bread and salt, revealing the wish that the kitchen cupboard is always full. a breakfast basket
filled with eggs, coffee, tea, cream, jam and orange juice is a great way to welcome a new neighbour on moving day. another traditional gift for new apartment owners is a useful picture-hanging kit that includes a hammer, wire, nails and hooks. d. gift cards are very common today. depending on the
website, a gift card could be an actual card mailed to a recipient, or an electronic card that can be printed out. the electronic gift card also comes in different designs and is delivered by email. it may be used for internet shopping or printed out and used at a store. another option is to upload
a photo that is used to create a personalized gift card together with a greeting card. e. hobby gifts are considered to be the best retirement gift idens. often, retirees are interested in a hobby, such as golf, gardening, fishing or painting. a good gift such retirees are materials that ean be
useful in their hobby, such as books, paints gear. another option is purchasing a series of classes, time on a golf course a park permit. the gift-giver ean also arrange time to enjoy the hobby together f. it is a good idea to give someone a gift by surprise. if the person waits for a gift it is
great to let someone else deliver the gift instead. deliveries by ehild, a pet or a neighbour are some options to consider. another way to surprise someone is by wrapping the gift something strange. a package that looks poorly done may be a good way to wrap a nice gift. careful planning is the key
to achleving suecess in this undertaking. g. it is always wise to write a thank for a present by hand, with sincerity and as soon as possible. anyone writing a thank you note on a pre-printed card should add handwriting to make the note more personal. a nice thank you note shows appreciation for
the present. a brief note or two about what is special or most valued about the present lets the gift-giver know why that particular present was a good choice. the borodino field the borodino field is a place known after the decisive battle in the war of 1812 it was the field emperor napoleon
bonaparte came together in mortal fight. napoleon failed to break the resistance of the russian army. since this day, august 26, 1812, there has been a unique museum exhibit the borodino field. of m. kutuzov and the grand army of the in a few years a monument in memory of the brave defenders of the
motherland was erected here. at the foot of the hill there was built a house for soldiers and veterans , register visitors, show the battle plan to them finds made on battlefields. thus the museum was opened. to accommodate the manor house in the village of borodino was converted into a small
wooden palace, veterans, of generals and veterans of the napoleonic war in subsequent years the interest to borodino did not reduce. the field was visited by royal family, senior officials, military leaders, pilgrims in october 1941 the borodino field again became a place of fighting. as a result
of bombing the monuments were affected, on the eve of the 150th anniversary of the battle of borodino in 1961, the open-air museum on the eve of the nowadays, there are about 300 commemorative objects the museum has a collection of more than 40 thousand exhibits. 1. but the museum artifacts were
rescued 2. who had to take care of the monument 3. and the descendants of the heroes of 1812 4, where the russian army under the command 5. but annual exhibitions attract a lot of visitors 6. that are located on the territory of the museum 7. interiors of which were decorated with portraits

Spale4ik Spale4ik    1   07.10.2019 16:40    1542

NoraDun NoraDun  14.10.2021 15:36
Ну так мы можем только маму говорят это мне не знаю как ты сделал русский я списывать не буду зуб на один из сильных в классе говорят это ни одной
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