Test “AA” Variant 3

1. Поставьте глаголы, данные в скобках, в времени

1. Elvis (to be) an average student.

2. A few months later, Elvis (to meet) Tom Parker.

3. He (to work) at the recording studio.

4. Some of his films (to be) not very good.

II. Вставьте did или was/were:

1. How often … they go to see his films?

2. … Elvis interested in studies? – No, he … not.

3. His parents … not rich.

4. … he first record two country’n’western songs? – Yes, he … .

III Поставьте во к предложениям

1. He took over Elvis’ career in 1955. Did… ? When …?

2. Elvis worked very much. Did… ? Why… ?

IY Постройте общий во и дайте краткий ответ:

Elvis was the king of rock’n’roll.

alinacotikmeow alinacotikmeow    2   29.04.2020 11:42    3