Test 6.
A. Fill in the missing word. There is one word you do not need to use: guided tours, landmarks,
snaps, local markets, train, souvenirs, book, varied, beach, cuisine, ferry.
1. The Forbidden City is one of the most famous…..in China.
2. A wide range of postcards and other …… are on sale in the visitors' centre.
3. Farmers often sell their crops at ……
4. I just want to lie on the …all day.
5. I found some old….from our childhood holidays.
6. This restaurant is famous for its …...
7. ……are available to visitors.
8. As we boarded the ….. to go up the river, the clouds began to grey.
9. The …..to Newcastle leaves in an hour.
10. Let’s ……our flight now.
B. Choose the correct word.
11. She has always dreamt of going on a voyage/journey across the Mediterranean Sea.
12. We are all in the same ship/boat.
13. Is there gap/room for one more person in your car?
14. We’ll be at/on the harbor in ten minutes.
15. She doesn’t enjoy foreign/curious travel.
16. They arrive/reach in Tokyo at 3.
17. I got to the airport just in time to board/take the plane.
18. Last night, we went to a small restaurant that was off the beaten track/road.
19. What stop do I need to catch/get off at?
20. Amundsen's excursion/expedition was the first to reach the South Pole.
C. Fill in the prepositions.
21. The opening of the new swimming pool has been set….. by a few weeks.
22. There were motorcycles …..hire.
23. We had a glorious time ….the seaside.
24. The rainy weather set ……
25. There are twelve children ……board the ship.
D. Rewrite the sentences in the reported speech.
26. “You are not allowed to take pictures,” the guide said.
27. “When will you arrive?” Jill asked.
28. “I got seasick on the ferry,” Andrew said.
29. “Pack some warm clothes,” mum told me.
30. “Did you make new friends?” he asked me.
31. “We’re going to Bulgaria,” they said.
32. “Send me a postcard from Japan,” Jenny told Clara.
33. “Don’t take a lot of things with you,” she told her sister.
34. “Have you bought souvenirs?” she asked Tom.
35. “How much money did you spend?” she asked.
E. Match to form the exchanges.
I got sunstroke.
Why do these things keep happening to me?
The car has broken down.
I had a bit of trouble in Marocco.
a. I don’t know.
b. How awful!
c. That’s terrible.
d. What happened?

Jdjdkdjd Jdjdkdjd    1   29.04.2020 14:56    11

Cesar123213 Cesar123213  14.10.2020 02:59

1.Fill in the missing word. There is one word you do not need to use: guided tours, landmarks, snaps, local markets, train, souvenirs, book, varied, beach, cuisine, ferry.

The Forbidden City is one of the most famous…..in China.

A wide range of postcards and other …… are on sale in the visitors' centre.

Farmers often sell their crops at ……

I just want to lie on the …all day.

I found some old….from our childhood holidays.

This restaurant is famous for its …...

……are available to visitors.

As we boarded the ….. to go up the river, the clouds began to grey.

The …..to Newcastle leaves in an hour.

Let’s ……our flight now.

2. Complete the phrasal verbs with the correct preposition.

1. “What time will we set …?” Mum asked.  

2. We had to set … some money to buy a new car.  

3. Frosty weather set … so we could go skating.  

4. Our flight was set … for two hours.  

5. They set … early in the morning.

3. Fill in the gaps with the correct preposition.

1. All pupils have to come … school … time.

2. This important decision should be made … delay.

3. “ Will you pay … cash or by a credit card?”  

4. The Smiths booked their holidays … advance.

5. They arrived in New York and took a car … hire.

daa86 daa86  14.10.2020 02:59




3-local markets




7-guided tours










16-arrive in

17-to board


19-to get off



21-set up

22-on hire

23-at the seaside

24-weather sets in

25-on board the ship


26-The guide said that I was not allowed to take pictures

27-Jill asked when I would arrive

28-Andrew said that he had got seasick on the ferry

29-Mom told me to pack some warm clothes

30-He asked me If I made new friends

31-They said that we were going to Bulgaria

32-Jenny told Clara to sent him a postcard from Japan

33-She told her sister not to take a lot of things

34-She asked Tom If he had bought souvenirs

35-She asked how much money I spent


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