1.Will there be a meeting tomorrow? – No, there .
a) won’t b) isn’t c) aren’t d)wasn’t
2.My mother is not at___ home, she is at ___ work.
a)a; a b)a; the c)the; the d) the; a e) a; ---
f) --- ; a g) --- ; the h) the; --- i) ---;

3.You can’t see ___ moon in the ___ sky tonight.
a)a; a b)a; the c)the; the d) the; a e) a; ---
f) --- ; a g) --- ; the h) the; --- i) ---;

4.There is ___ big tree in ___ garden.
a)a; a b)a; the c)the; the d) the; a e) a; ---
f) --- ; a g) --- ; the h) the; --- i) ---;
5.There ___ be no doubt about it.
a) can b)may c) must d) should e) need
6.Have you got ___ money? – Well, I’ve got , but not much.
a) any; any b) any; some c) some; any d) some; some
e) --- ; any f) --- ; some

7. There are changes in the text, but the editor liked it.
a) much b) no c) any d) some

8.Do you ___ coffee or tea for breakfast?
a) buy b)drink c) eat d) have e) do

9.This insect 6 legs.
a) have got b)haven’t got c) has got d) hasn’t got

10.I a test at 5 o’ clock yesterday.
a) writed b)wrote c) was writing d) have written

11.How tea do you drink a day?
a) many b) much c) any d) some e) ---

12.How often chess?
a) is he playing b) does he plays c) does he play d) is he play

13.He worked and as the end of the term came nearer.
a) hard; hard b) hard; harder c) harder; harder d) harder; the hardest

14. Foxes eat hens, ?
a) isn’t it? b) doesn’t he? c) isn’t he?
d) isn’t they? e) don’t they? f) doesn’t they?

15.You your leg if you like that.
a) break; jump b) break; will jump c) will break; will jump d) will break; jump

16.He was than usual.
a) quiet b) quieter c) more quiet d) the quietest e) the most quiet

17. He doesn’t play the piano any more, ?
a) isn’t it? b) doesn’t he? c) isn’t he? d) is he? e) do he? f) does he?

18. Bathing ___ the lake, they often jumped the water.
a) in; in b) in; into c) into; in d) into; into

19.She got to ___ feet and took ___ hand.
a) her; him b) his; him c) his; his d) her; his e)her; her

20. ___ the twenty-fifth of December people celebrate Christmas.
a) in b) on c) at d) by e) from f) ---

21. this Sunday she won’t go shopping.
a) in b) on c) at d) by e) for f) ---

22.I really bad today.
a) feel b) feel myself c) feel oneself d) am

23. is ready for the lesson today. What a pity!
a) everybody b) anybody c) nobody d) somebody

24.What’s the use of ?
a) worry b) worrying c) worried d) to worry

25.And we thought we friends forever.
a) shall be b) will be c) should be d) would be

26.You cross the street here. Otherwise you will be fined.
a) may b) can c) may not d) can not

27.We tried to speak him, but he wouldn’t listen ___ us.
a) ; b) to; c) ; to d) to; to
e) with; to f) to; with g) ; with h) with; ---

28.I’m going to bed. I have headache.
a) a b) an c) the d) ---

29.When was ___ telephone invented?
a) a b) an c) the d) ---

30. ___ cities are polluted by ___ cars.
a) the; the b) ---; the c) the; --- d) ---; ---

31.I think red dress will suit you best. ___ red is more your colour.
a) the; the b) ---; the c) the; --- d) ---; ---

32.St Petersburg is one of the cities in the world.
a) beautiful b) more beautiful c) the most beautiful d) the beautifullest

33.All is very interesting.
a) this b) that c) these d) those

34. “Oh!” – cried Fleur. “You it!”
a) can’t do b) may not do c) can’t have done d) may not have done

35.He off the light and upstairs.
a) switch; go b) swatch; went c) switch; went d) switched; went
36.Yesterday I soundly when the telephone .
a) sleeped; rang b) sleep; ring c) slept; rang d) sleep; rang
e) was sleeping; rang f) was sleeping; was ringing g) was sleeping; ringed

37.When the weather warmer, I practicing again.
a) will get; will start b) gets; start c) gets; will start d) will get; start

38. in his study now?
a) does Dad smoke b) is Dad smoking c) does Dad smoke d) is Dad smokes

39. is she playing the violin so late? – She is rehearsing for a concert.
a) what b) where c) when d) why e) who f) how

40. I skate last year, but now I ___.
a) can’t; can’t b) can’t; can c) couldn’t; can
d) couldn’t; could e) couldn’t; couldn’t f) couldn’t; can’t

41. I join you in the garden? Of course you !
a) can; may b) may; can c) can; can d) may; may

42.This boy is student I’ve ever seen.
a) the bad b) worse c) the worst d) the most bad e) the baddest

43.No sooner they when it to rain.
a) arrived; started b) had arrived; started
c) had arrived; had started d) arrived; had started

44. I it cold and damp.
a) think; is b) think; will be c) think; shall be d)think; would be

45.I to that play on the radio, because I it before.
a) didn’t listen; heard b) hadn’t listened; heard
c) didn’t listen; had heard d) hadn’t listened; had heard

amanullina amanullina    2   22.02.2020 20:08    4

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