Тест №2 A. Complete the sentences using the correct form of the verbs in brackets (to V, V or V ing). Translate the sentences:

1. Would you mind (come) again in a day or two?

2. I’ll make you (correct) all the mistakes you’ve made.

3. The travellers stopped (have) lunch at the inn as they were really hungry.

4. She is used to (do) all the housework by herself.

5. I couldn’t help (smile) when I saw her in such a funny hat.

6. She says the movie is worth (watch).

7. We used to enjoy (hang) about the shopping centers with our friends.

8. He stopped (write) an essay when his favourite program began.

9. Don’t let him (shout) at you.

10. After (come) back home, Mum suggested (take) a shower before (go) to bed. It was no use (argue) with her, that’s why we couldn’t (refuse) it.

11. I’d like (admit) that I can’t (avoid) (eat) so many cookies every day.

12. She was too inattentive (notice) the mistake.

A. Form nouns from the adjectives, translate all the words:

1. resistant – 6. significant -

2. possible - 7. various -

3. weak – 8. efficient -

4. able – 9. lazy -

5. dark – 10.rude –

B. Use the appropriate verb from the list below in the correct form, translate the sentences:

Mop dust hang out do make stay out tidy up

1. You can … the furniture while I am …my room.

2. Do you always…your bed?

3. She has to … the floor every Saturday.

4. It’s raining. If you … the washing, it’ll get wet.

5. My younger sister hates … all the household chores.

6. My mum is always worried about my … late.

C. Translate into English, mind the prepositions:

1. Извини, я спешу.

2. Они живут в пригороде.

3. В углу моей комнаты есть удобный диван.

4. Я бы хотел жить близко к центру города.

5. Я обычно дома по воскресеньям.

6. Вы можете пойти в направлении того серого здания, тогда вы увидите банк на углу улицы.

D. Translate into English using the phrasal verb “make”:

1. Мы не можем разобрать его почерк.

2. Она компенсирует то, что съела весь шоколад.

3. Мой друг любит придумывать разные истории.

4. Что они думают о наших планах.

5. Они убежали с украденными деньгами, но полиция нашла и арестовала их.

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Neznayka56000 Neznayka56000    2   27.10.2020 10:51    2

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