1.Complete the second part:
If I hear from Jack, I ……. you know.
A. will let
B. let
C. will be letting
D. am letting
E. is let

2.Choose the correct variant:
He’s set the table.
A. as
B. yet
C. still
D. already
E. for

3.Choose the correct variant:
My friend……….. the answer to the question.
A. know
B. knows
C. knowing
D. to know
E. is knowing

4.Choose the correct preposition:
He is proud … his mother.
A. at
B. by
C. in
D. of
E. on

5.Do you know the man is talking to your brother?
E. Who

6.Fill in the right variant:
If I hadn’t got stuck in traffic, I …. the train.
A. wouldn’t have missed
B. would miss
C. will miss
D. had missed
E. am missing

7.Choose the right variant.
When I was a child, we…….swimming every day.
A. were going
B. had gone
C. used to go
D. had been going
E. are going

8. Anne's house is somewhere in the of the railway station.
A. region
B. quarter
D. district
E. area

9.Don't put your cup on the of the table – someone will knock it off.
B. outside
C. boundary
D. border limit
E. deadline

10. Choose the right variant:
If she sees Mark, she….. him the good news.
A. tells
B. is telling
C. will tell
D. will be telling
E. to tell

11.Write the sentence using modal verb:
Perhaps she is working.
A. She might be working
B. She might been working
C. She must be working
D. She can be working
E. She is able to be working

12. Choose the right variant: with me?
A. Do you like to dance
B.Would you like to dance
C. Do you like dance
D. Would you like dancing

13. Choose the right variant:
Oil……on water.
A. floats
B. waters
C. drinks
D. soaks
E. sweeps

14. The 5-day to Venice was very romantic.
A. travel
B. commute
C. trip
D. journey

15.Choose the right variant:
What text … by you yesterday?
A. was translated
B. am translated
C. are translating
D. were translated
E. is translated

16.Choose the right variant:
tired Melissa is when she gets home from work, she always makes time to say goodnight to the children.
A. Whatever
B.No matter how
C. However much
D. Although
E. Even

17.Choose the right variant:
Have you got time to discuss your work now or are you to leave?
A. thinking
B. round
C. planned

18. Choose the right variant:
After … he started looking for a job.
A. graduation
B. graduate
C. to graduate
D. will graduate
E. have graduated

19.Choose the correct variant:
It’s amazing how much Jack takes … his father.
A. after
B. down
C. over
D. into
E. from

20.Choose the correct variant:
I'd rather you to her why we can't go.
A. would explain
C. to explain
D. will explain
E. explaining

21. Choose the correct variant:
Neither Tom … Mary can speak Italian.
A. nor
B. or
C. both
D. either
E. some

22. Choose the correct variant:
… the bad weather, they decided to go out.
A. despite
B. then
C. moreover
D. secondly
E. in order to

23.Choose the correct variant:
When I realized I had dropped my gloves, I decided to my steps.
A. return
B. retrial
D. regress

24.Choose the correct variant:
I can't understand this email.
A. Don't you know?
B. I suppose you can
C. Can I have some envelops
D. Quick message
E.Would you like some help?

25.Choose the right variant:
She ... playing tennis with her father when she ... three years old
A. started, was
B. starts, is
C. starts, was
D. start, be
E. started, been

26.Choose the right variant:
Did you know that Hannah ….. forty next October?
A. to be
B. shall be
C. will have been
D. has been
E. is going to be

27.Choose the right variant:
She has never been to Poland….
A. yet
B. already
C. still
D. before
E. soon

28.Choose the right variant:
Where…… on holiday last year?
A did you go
B. were you going
C. have you been
D. have you gone
E. will you go

29.Choose the correct variant:
My parents have worked for this company1993.
A. ---
E.so far

30.Choose the correct variant:
She came to live here a month ago.
A. quite
B. beyond
C. already
D. almost

414484 414484    2   30.04.2020 11:49    56

NamaruC3 NamaruC3  04.08.2020 11:15
danmirlav danmirlav  04.08.2020 11:15


Можно ответы этого теста?

sashka4erepashka sashka4erepashka  16.01.2024 22:30
1. Complete the second part: If I hear from Jack, I ……. you know.

The correct answer is A. will let.

Explanation: The phrase "If I hear from Jack" indicates a hypothetical situation in the future. When using the conditional clause "If + present tense," the correct form of the verb to indicate future action is "will + base form of the verb." Therefore, the sentence should be "If I hear from Jack, I will let you know."

2. Choose the correct variant:
He’s set the table.

The correct answer is D. already.

Explanation: The word "already" indicates that the action of setting the table has already been completed. The other options do not convey the meaning of completed action in the past.

3. Choose the correct variant:
My friend……….. the answer to the question.

The correct answer is B. knows.

Explanation: The sentence refers to a singular subject, "My friend," so the verb form should also be singular. Therefore, the correct verb form is "knows."

4. Choose the correct preposition:
He is proud … his mother.

The correct answer is D. of.

Explanation: The preposition "of" is used to show the relationship between being proud and the person or thing being proud of. Therefore, the correct sentence is "He is proud of his mother."

5. Do you know the man is talking to your brother?

The correct answer is E. Who.

Explanation: The question is asking for the identity of the man, so the appropriate question word is "Who." "Who" is used to ask about a person's identity or to inquire about someone's name.

6. Fill in the right variant:
If I hadn’t got stuck in traffic, I …. the train.

The correct answer is A. wouldn’t have missed.

Explanation: The sentence is in the past unreal conditional form. The correct form to express the hypothetical past action is "wouldn't have + past participle." Therefore, the correct sentence is "If I hadn’t got stuck in traffic, I wouldn’t have missed the train."

7. Choose the right variant.
When I was a child, we…….swimming every day.

The correct answer is C. used to go.

Explanation: The sentence discusses a repeated action in the past when the person was a child. The correct form to express this is "used to + base form of the verb," indicating a past habit. Therefore, the correct sentence is "When I was a child, we used to go swimming every day."

8. Anne's house is somewhere in the … of the railway station.

The correct answer is C. vicinity.

Explanation: The word "vicinity" means near or surrounding a particular place. It accurately describes the relation of Anne's house to the railway station.

9. Don't put your cup on the … of the table – someone will knock it off.

The correct answer is A. edge.

Explanation: The word "edge" refers to the outer boundary or rim of the table. It warns against placing the cup at a position where it may easily be knocked off.

10. Choose the right variant:
If she sees Mark, she….. him the good news.

The correct answer is C. will tell.

Explanation: The conditional clause indicates a future action. When using the conditional clause "If + present tense," the correct form of the verb to indicate future action is "will + base form of the verb." Therefore, the correct sentence is "If she sees Mark, she will tell him the good news."

Please let me know if you require further assistance.
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