Test 1.Choose the correct variant: If you don’t work hard,youpass the test. 2.Choose the right variant: The weather ……. last week. 3.Choose the right variant: Have you ….. the new cinema yet? 4.Choose the right variant: She was having dinner …. her husband called. 5.Choose the right variant: He’s the most boring person we’ve …. met. 6.Choose the right variant: Bill has got a wide … and wrinkles. 7.Choose the right variant: Nick and Jason ….. each other since childhood. 8.Choose the correct preposition: Mike is dedicated ….. his work. 9.Choose the right variant. There weren’t any sports there, ?. 10.Choose the right variant. I can’t find my shoes. I’ve looked. 11. Choose the correct variant: … people……..cars one hundred years ago? 12.Choose the correct word: Lucy likes things ….. are useful. 13. Choose the correct variant: He ……. for that phone call since 5 o’clock 14.Choose the correct modal verb: She ….. be married. She was wearing a wedding ring. 15.Complete the second part: If I hear from Jack, I ……. you know. 16.Choose the correct variant. He’s set the table. 17.Choose the correct preposition: He is proud … his mother. 18.Choose the correct indefinite pronoun . Would you like …. more bread? 19. Choose the correct variant: If I were you , I ….. for that job. 20.Fill in the right variant: If I hadn’t got stuck in traffic, I …. the train.​

Salekhova58 Salekhova58    1   12.03.2021 21:17    11

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