1. Bob and Mary ___ on holiday for a week.
1) were
2) have been
3) has been
4) were being

2. ___ they ever read this book?
1) Has
2) Did
3) Were
4) Have

3. I ___ my hand on a piece of glass. Do you have a Band-Aid?
1) was cutting
2) cut
3) have cut
4) cutted

4. I bought a new computer last week, but it ___ .
1) hasn't worked
2) didn't work
3) don't work
4) worked not

5. I ___ very well last night. There was loud music coming from a house down the road.
1) wasn't sleeping
2) didn't sleep
3) haven't slept
4) didn't slept

6. I went to the school dance last Friday, but I ___ it very much.
1) didn't enjoyed
2) don't enjoy
3) didn't enjoy
4) haven't enjoyed

7. My math teacher wasn't happy yesterday. I ___ to bring my calculator to class.
1) was forgetting
2) forgot
3) have forgotten
4) forget

8. Have you seen my pencil? It was here a minute ago and now ___.
1) it went
2) it have gone
3) it has gone
4) it was going
9. I ___ anything since breakfast so I feel very thirsty now.
1) wasn't drinking
2) haven't drunk
3) didn't drink
4) don't drink

10. I was in a big hurry so I ___ no time to phone you.
1) have had
2) have
3) was having
4) had

11. Who ___ the thermometer?
1) invents
2) has invented
3) invented
4) invent

12. I ___ my foot playing tennis last week, and now I can hardly walk.
1) injured
2) have injured
3) injure
4) was injuring

13. I like your watch. How long ___ it?
1) you have
2) are you having
3) have you had
4) did you have

14. "Where's Mum?" - " ___ to the library!"
1) She is going
2) She goes
3) She went
4) She has gone

15. Have you ever ridden a horse? - No, but I ___ a camel when I visited Egypt last year.
1) was riding
2) rode
3) have ridden
4) ride

16. I tried to find you before school today. ___.
1) Where have you been?
2) Where were you?
3) Where did you be?
4) Where was you?

17. That's a lovely scarf! Where ___ it?
1) did you buy
2) have you bought
3) do you buy
4) you buy
18. I ___ to the cinema since I came to UK.
1) haven't been
2) went not
3) didn't be
4) hasn't been

19. ___ my pen? I can't find it anywhere?
1) Did you seen
2) Have you seen
3) Did you see
4) You seen

20. My elder sister ___ a baby. She's going to call it James.
1) had
2) has had
3) was having
4) has

MaLiKaKhOn MaLiKaKhOn    3   06.05.2020 11:50    2

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