TERM 4 Summative assessment for the unit “Our Neighbourhood”
Learner’s name
Assessment criteria
( Recognise detailed information in extended topic and answer questions
Level of thinking skills
Knowledge and comprehension
Application Duration 20 minutes
Reading.Task 1.Read the text and answer the questions
Almaty is one the most beautiful cities at the foot of the emerald Tien Shan ridges and is called a “garden city”. In spring, when the southern outskirts are buried in blossom of apple, apricot, and cherry gardens, the city becomes a fabulous sight. Its magnificent green attire and the grand panorama of the mountains distinguish Almaty from other cities.
The city is located in the heart of the Eurasian continent, in the south-east of Kazakhstan, at the foot of the Tien Shan mountains at an elevation of 700 to 1100 meters above sea level.
The climate of the city is is sharply continental, with large temperature fluctuations, not only within a year, but during the days.
There are a lot of unique places near Almaty - from the peak of Khan Tengri and snowy trails of Shymbulak to the Silk Road routes.
Population - 1 million 500 thousand people, area - 350 square.km., economically active population amounts to - 763.0 thousand people.
Administrative divisions: the city is divided into 7 administrative and territorial districts: Almalinsky, Auezovsky, Bostandyksky, Zhetysuisky, Medeusky, Turksibsky, Alatausky.
Where is Almaty located?
How people are called Almaty in other name?
How many unique places near Almaty?
What is the climate in Almaty?
How many people live in Almaty?
What kind of Administrative divisions is Almaty divided into?

карина5647 карина5647    1   05.05.2021 09:42    3

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