Тема: Лексико-грамматическая работа. Variant 2.
Выбери один правильный ответ.
1. Jacob feels lonely as he has very ... friends.
A. much B. little C. few D. a little
2. How olive oil? 
A. much B. little C. few D. a little
3. How flour?
A few. B. little C. much D. a little
4. How mustard?
A. a little B. little C. few D much
5. There are birds in the sky.
A. much B. little C. a few D. a little
6. I haven’t got homework today.
A. some B. any C. nothing D. anything
7. Jane spends money at the shops.
A. some B. any C. a lot of D. anything
8. Have you got bread in the cupboard?
A. some B. any C. nothing D. anything
9. put flour
A. some B. any C. nothing D. anything
10. add baking soda
A any. B. some C. nothing D. anything
11. pour honey
A anything. B. any C. nothing D. some
12. add   butter
A. some B. any C. nothing D. anything
13. Have you got friends?
A many B much C a lot of D. any
14. There are people in the room.
A much B a little C a lot of D. any
15. Can I have sugar, please?
A. a few B a little C a lot of D. any
16. How oranges are on the table?

A many B a few  much D. little
17. I think I have heard the song ... before.
A. some B.somebody C. something D. somewhere
18. Ask ... else to help you.
A. some B. somebody C. something D. somewhere
19. There aren’tpencils in the box.
A many B much C a lot of D. any
20. Have you got   ice-cream?
A many B much C a lot of D. any
21. There aren't boys in the team!
A any B much C a lot of D. many
22. There isn't good music!
A much B any C a lot of D. many
23. … use the phone, please?
A. May I B. Must I C. Can I to D. May I to
24. Oh, no, you … take these magazines!
A. Must B. Mustn’t C. May D. Mayn’t
25. Выберите 1 – ю форму глагола to take
A taken B took C taking D takes
26. Выберите 3 – ю форму глагола   to come 
А comes B came C come D coming
27. Выберите 3 – ю форму глагола   to begin
A begin B began C was beginning D begun
28. Выберите 3 – ю форму глагола    to be .
A are B is C was  D been
29. Выберите 2 – ю форму глагола    to go :
А went B gone С goes D goed
30. Выберите 1-ю форму глагола to be:
A will be B. would be C am D. was

Pandorica Pandorica    3   10.06.2020 14:22    9


ответ:1 c

2 a

3 c

4 d

5 b

6 b

7 c

8 b

9 a

10 b

11 d


13 d

14 c

15 b

16 a

17 d

18 b

19 d

20 d

21 d

22 a

23  a

24 b

25 d

26 c

27 d

28 d

29 a

30 c


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