Тема: I love shopping! Read the dialogue. Decide if the statements are True or False. Mark your answer.
Assel says there is a new school in our city.
Assel says people can buy sports goods and toys at the department store.
Assel says people usually buy bread and biscuits at the knitwear store. ​

Тема: I love shopping! Read the dialogue. Decide if the statements are True or False. Mark your answ

Demirline Demirline    1   19.04.2021 12:31    0

Stanislava153 Stanislava153  19.04.2021 12:40

чому греко-католицька церква наприкінці 19 втратила свій вплив на український рух? Напишіть будь ласка розгорнуту відповідь


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