Тема Arrival
Checking in at the Airport
First, let's take a look at the whole scene.
1)- The machine didn't recognize my ………………………..
I can help. Where are you flying to today?
- Recife
- Rio
2)- We're flying to Rio and then we have a …………. to Recife. What are you looking for?
- My reading glasses.
- They're on your head.
- I had a bottle of water.
- I threw that away.
- Why?
3)- You can't take …………………. on the plane.
4)- Are you ……………………….. any bags? - Yes, just one.
5)- Can you put it on the ………………………...?
- Sure!
- Can you check our bag through the Recife?
- No, I can't.
6)- You'll need to pick it up in Rio to go through ……………………..
7)- How much time do we have? How long is our ……………………...?
- About two and a half hours.
- That's plenty of time.
8)- Here are your ……………………….. - Thank you.
9)- Your flight leaves from …………………. 19 and …………... begins at 11:20.
- Eleven twenty.
- Have a great trip!
- We will!