Текст сочинение на тему "я экзамены " или просто "экзамены "на языке. ​

Мари7890 Мари7890    2   08.10.2019 19:01    0

3085729qwtio 3085729qwtio  08.10.2019 19:01

it is difficult to pass exams. but harder to make yourself

  prepare for them. it seems that in my head there is a dump of formulas, rules, texts,

  but there is no complete picture of knowledge. feverishly you take it for one, then for

another. trying to get
together and regularly engage in subjects

which you need to take, and worry about the upcoming exam is not

disappears. many graduates hire tutors in the hope of good

prepare for exams. but not all financial situation allows

  hire a tutor. and you have to dive
yourself in textbooks and

fill gaps in their knowledge. examinations are one of the life tests.

tests. and when the exam passes, you will understand that the most difficult thing is

preparing and setting yourself up for the exam. and upon successful delivery you will receive

such a satisfaction that it will seem that all life dgi are open in front of

you! patience and a little effort!

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