Tasks for the Summative Assessment for the term 3 Reading Task 1. Read an article about technology in the film industry. Six sentences have been removed from the article. Choose from the sentences A-G There is one extra sentence you do not need to use. the one which fits each gap (1-6). A Some filmmakers have even criticised the over-use of technology in modern cinema. B It's possible to make films using only the images created by software in a computer. C Now it means being able to completely transform every aspect of a film. D The reason it asn't used by filmmakers for years is because it is expensive. E Could this mean that one day there will be no need for actors? F This could put some people out of work in the film industry. G Even if some of the scenery was filmed in real life, it will still probably have been computer enhanced. Films and technology Even in its earliest years, at the beginning of the 20th century, the cinema was of magic for film-goers. To create that magic, filmmakers have to draw audiences illusion and fantasy. Films have always been about selling dreams, and that's why they have been one of the world's most popular forms of entertainment for more than a hundred years. And technology has always played a major part in creating this incredible dream world. always a world into a realm of Once, that technology was able to create a few special effects that often looked clumsy and unrealistic. (1 Digital CGI (computer generated imagery) is the main tool of the modern filmmaker and animator. (2) The first film to be completely computer-generated was Toy Story. But now CGI is used in all kinds of films and not just animation. Whatever film you're watching, a lot of the scenery and landscape and probably all of the special effects, will have been created on a computer. (3) And all the exciting bits of the film - the explosions, the stunts, all of the action-packed fun - will, in reality, be bits of code on and the images you see pure illusion. a circuit The other great leap in film technology in recent years has been advances in 3D technology. Though it has been around, in one form or another, for nearly a hundred years, it's only in the past few that it has taken off. (4) But the box office success of films such as Avatar and How to Train your Dragon has shown filmmakers that there is a bright, new and profitable future 3D technology, resulting in more and more 3D films appearing in cinemas. in using digital That's not to say that all the magic of films is as a result of these innovative new technologies. (5) They think that some of the more traditional methods are just as good, if not better. And it's worth remembering that if you don't have people coming up with all these creative ideas for films, then the computers won't be able to make them on their own. There's no doubt that the role of technology in the art of film-making is going to grow and grow in the future. (6) unlikely, as the stars are as much a part of their magic and charm as anything else. What does seem more than likely, though, is that advances in technology will continue to have a major impact on the development of the film industry in the years to come. That seems​ даиу

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