Task2 Найдите английские эквиваленты этим словам в тексте холмистая местность, полуостров Таймыр, Енисейский залив, Карское море, море Лаптевых, Хатангский залив, протяженность полуострова, общая площадь, он расположен за Полярным кругом, побережье, болото (трясина), частые метели, продолжительные суровые зимы, горный хребет, драгоценные металлы, быть богаты (чем-то), глубокие каньоны и ущелья, поверхность полуострова, ледники, мыс Челюскин.

Taymyr, also spelled Taimyr, lies on the hilly Taymyr Peninsula, the most northerly part of the Eurasian continent, and extends south to the northern edge of the Central Siberian Plateau. The Taymyr Peninsula lies between the Yenisei Gulf of the Kara Sea and the Khatanga Gulf of the Laptev Sea. It’s the most northern peninsula in Asia. The length of the peninsula is about 1000 kilometers. Its width is about 500 kilometers. The total area of the peninsula is about 400.000 square kilometers. It is located beyond the Polar Circle in the permafrost zone.
The Taimyr Peninsula is located in the arctic and subarctic zones. That’s why the climate here is exceptionally severe, with prolonged, bitter winters. The coasts of the Taimyr Peninsula are frozen most of the year between September and June on average. Almost everywhere is tundra of mosses, lichens, and bog. The average winter temperature can be -45’- 60’C. Winters are harsh with frequent blizzards and extremely low temperatures. The summer is usually short and cool.
Taimyr is one of the richest regions in Russia. It is rich in gas, oil, precious metals, hydroelectric energy and much more.
The surface of the peninsula is divided into three main parts: the North Siberian Lowland, the Byrranga Mountains and the coastal plain along the Kara Sea shore.
The Byrranga Mountains are located within the vast Taymyr Peninsula. The Byrranga Mountains are a mountain range in the middle of the Taymyr Peninsula, Siberia, located north and west of the Taymyr Lake. They run for about 1,100 km, forming a looping curve that runs roughly in a southwest to northeast direction. The Byrranga range has deep canyons and ravines, as well as a few small glaciers in its eastern zones. These mountains are not very high, being on average about 500 m. The highest peak is 1,146 m.
The Cape Chelyuskin, the northernmost point of the Eurasian continent, is located at the northern end of the Taymyr Peninsula. The area includes the Severnaya Zemlya archipelago in the high Arctic. Its total area is 37,000-square-kilometres. Severnaya Zemlya (Northern land) was first noted in 1913 and first charted in 1930-32, making it the last sizeable archipelago on Earth to be explored. The main urban settlements of the Taimyr Peninsula are:
- Dudinka, the capital of the former district;
- Dikson, a small port at the mouth of the Gulf of Yenisei;
- Khatanga;
- Snezhnogorsk;
- Norilsk with its satellites Talnakh, Kayerkan, Oganer;
There are three main reserves on the Taimyr Peninsula. They are the Putorana State Nature Reserve, the State Taimyr Biosphere Reserve and the Great Arctic State Nature Reserve.

Task 1. Answer the questions
1. Where is Taymyr located?
2. What is the length of the peninsula?
3. What is its width?
4. What zones is the Taimyr Peninsula is located?
5. What do you know about the climate of the Taymyr Peninsula?
6. What is the average winter temperature here?
7. How long do summers last?
8. What is Taymyr rich in?
9. How many parts is the surface of the peninsula divided into?
10. What do you know about the Byrranga Mountains?
11. How long are the Byrranga Mountains?
12. What does the Byrranga range have?
13. Where is the Cape Chelyuskin located?
14. What is its total area?
15. Are there any urban settlements on the Taimyr Peninsula?
16. What reserves are located on the Taimyr Peninsula? How many are they?

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1. Hilly

2. Taymyr Peninsula

3. Yenisei Gulf

4. Kara Sea

5. Laptev Sea

6. Khatanga Gulf

7. length of the peninsula

8. total area

9. It is located beyond the Polar Circle

10. coasts

11. bog

12. frequent blizzards

13. prolonged, bitter winters

14. mountain range

15. precious metals

16. to be rich in

17. deep canyons and ravines

18. The surface of the peninsula

19. Glaciers

20. Cape Chelyuskin