Task 7 (20 points). Open the brackets and put the verbs into Present Simple, Present Continuous or Past Simple.

Where (you/usually/take) books for reading?
I (not go) to the library on Mondays. As a rule, I (go) to the library every Wednesday. But yesterday I (not go) there.
Yesterday I (put) five apples into the vase. Where (they/be) now?
The Smiths (repaint) their house a week ago.
I (not go) to school by bus, I always ride a bike.
It (be) cold yesterday.
This little baby (not sleep) at the moment.

Дима061 Дима061    2   11.08.2022 07:58    1

sveta2015w sveta2015w  11.08.2022 07:59

Where do you usually take (you/usually/take) books for reading?

I don't go (not go) to the library on Mondays. As a rule, I go (go) to the library every Wednesday. But yesterday I didn't go (not go) there.

Yesterday I put (put) five apples into the vase. Where are they (they/be) now?

The Smiths repainted (repaint) their house a week ago.

I don't go (not go) to school by bus, I always ride a bike.

It was (be) cold yesterday.

This little baby isn't sleeping (not sleep) at the moment.


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