Task 5. match each of the following types of court (1-9) with the explanation of what happens there (a-i). translate into russian in writing. 1. appellate court (or court of appeals, appeals court) 2. crown court 3. high court 4. juvenile court 5. lower court (or court of first instance) 6. magistrates’ court 7. moot court 8. small-claims court 9. tribunal a. this is where a person under the age of 18 would be tried. b. this is the court of primary jurisdiction, where a case is heard for the first time. c. this is where small crimes are tried in the uk. d. this is where law students argue hypothetical cases. e. this is where a case is reviewed which has already been heard in a lower court. f. this is where cases involving a limited amount of money are handled. g. this is where serious criminal cases are heard by a judge and a jury in the uk. h. this is where a group of specially chosen people examine legal problems of a particular type, such as employment disputes. i. this is usually the highest court in a jurisdiction, the court of last resort.

molinarudmanp01g00 molinarudmanp01g00    3   15.09.2019 06:50    2

olyakei olyakei  07.10.2020 16:25
1) Appellate court (court of appeals, appeals court) - this is where a case is reviewed which has already been heard in a lower court.
2) Crown court - this is where serious criminal cases are heard by a judge and a jury in the UK.
3) High court - this is usually the highest court in a jurisdiction, the court of last resort.
4) Juvenile court - this is where a person under the age of 18 would be tried.
5) Lower court (court of first instance) - tis is the court of primary jurisdiction, where a case is herad for the first time.
6) Magistrates' court - this is where small crimes are tried in the UK.
7) Moot court - this is where law students argue hypothetical cases.
8) Small-claims court - this is where cases involving a limited amount of money are handled.
9) Tribunal - this is where a group of specially chosen people examine legal problems of a particular type, such as employment disputes.
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