Task 5. Make a dialogue using 5 stages of business conversation. Boss: Thank you all for coming today. First of all, I would like you all to meet Mr. Mark Johnson. He is our new salesperson with the
Susan: I think Mark has met everyone, oh, except for Ann.
Ann: Hello, Mark. I am Ann Nice to meet you. I am a salesperson, too. Mark: It's nice to meet you, Ann Maybe you can help to teach me about my new job.
Ann: Sure. We can be a team You help me, I'll help you.
Boss: That sounds good to me, too. Now let's talk about business. Linda, will you please take notes of our meeting for us?
Linda: Sure, I have my pen and paper ready.
Boss: Great, Please read the notes of our last meeting for us.
Linda: Okay, First, we talked about the budget for next year.
Susan: I will budget is getting smaller every year.
Linda: Second, we talked about the new products we are going to selling.
Mark: She means the new products you and I will be selling.
Linda: O.K. Third, we talked about the profits that we had last month. And fourth, we talked about the bills we had to pay.
Boss: We always have more bills than profits. company.​

Vika2471 Vika2471    1   13.04.2020 22:10    1

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