Task 5. fill the gaps in the letter by putting the verbs in brackets into the present perfect. hi everybody! i feel really bad because i (not to speak) to anyone from school for a really long time. but i have a good excuse! the reason you (not hear) from me for so long is that i (move) out the area. my husband leroy and i (start) a marketing company in a place called anchorage in alaska (don’t ask me why – it’s a long story! ) and we (buy) a big, modern house just outside the city. it’s absolutely freezing here, but we love it! my other big news is that i (have) a baby. she’s called alice, she’s six months old and she’s really cute! but that’s enough about me. what (you do) over the last five years? please send me an e-mail – i’d love to hear from anyone in my old class. you can contact jane haji-lorenzo at [email protected] past simple and present perfect time expressions yesterday today a week (a month, a year) ago this week (month, year) last year for two years in 1999 since 2000 this morning (afternoon, evening) this morning (afternoon, evening) always / often / every summer etc. ever / never the other day (+) already / yet / just now recently/in recent years at easter lately/of late on 15th may so far in may once/twice/three times

NurseRedheart NurseRedheart    2   25.06.2019 11:30    1

jdh9372888381 jdh9372888381  20.07.2020 16:54
1 haven t spoken
2haven t herd 
3 have moved
4have started
5 have bought
6 have had
7 have you done
1 строка - P S *( past simple)
2 строка-PP( present perfect
3 строка-PP
4 строка- PS
5 строка-present simple
6 строка- РР
7 строка- РР
8 строка- РР
9 строка- PS
10 строка- РР
11 строка- РР
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