Task 4b. Make up sentences of the words given. 1. Russia, when, In, usually, seven, are, start,
children, they, school
2. of, at, graduate, They, eighteen, age, school
from, the
3. afternoon, usually, till primary. In, classes, last,
4. to, go, five, week, school, days, Children, six,
or, a
5. and, oft, Saturdays, are, days, Sundays

котик926 котик926    3   10.02.2021 09:24    15

idkcjdosjn idkcjdosjn  12.03.2021 09:26

In Russia children usually start school when they are seven

2. They graduate from school at the age of eighteen

3. In primary school last classes usually till afternoon

4. Children go to school five or six days a week

5. Saturdays and Sundays are days off

arsen992015 arsen992015  12.03.2021 09:26

1. In Russia children usually start school when they are seven  

2. They graduate from school at the age of eighteen  

3. In primary school last classes usually till afternoon  

4. children go to school five or six days a week  

5. Saturdays and Sundays are days off


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